Cocoa Dolce Opens in Downtown This Week!

Cocoa Dolce is moving downtown! I've got a soft spot for this delicious company, because my wife worked there for many years! The artisan chocolate shop has moved there production facility to a downtown location, where you'll be take tours, and see how there chocolate is made and designed. Just don't drink out of the chocolate river...we all know how that will turn out.

They're also opening a new cafe, and it opens THIS FRIDAY! You'll be able to enjoy your favorite chocolates, coffee, alcoholic beverages, and more, in downtown Wichita! If you were worried, their Bradley Fair and New Market Square locations aren't going anywhere!

There is an officially Facebook event for this Friday, and you can RSVP and get more info here.

Cocoa Dolce - Downtown

Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado